Power Washing Pros

Ready To Take Your Business To The Next Level?!

Unlock the Power Washing Business of Your Dreams: Join Our Exclusive Membership Today!

Helping Power Washing Companies Get to THE NEXT LEVEL!

The Power Washing Pro Membership Is Your Ticket To Shortcutting Your Business Growth DREAMS and Achieving SUCCESS in Your Power Washing Business.

Welcome To The...

Power Washing Pros Membership

The Power Washing Pros Membership is more than just a new masterclass every other week...

It's an exclusive community of like-minded power washing pros that are on the same journey as you.

This membership is designed to give you EXACTLY what YOU need to generate more leads, figure out the next steps, and ultimately grow your company! We know because we have been down the path.

Look, I've been in your shoes... When I started my power washing company, it was my very first business and the first step in my entrepreneurial journey. So needless to say, I didn't really know what I was doing...

Ultimately I had no idea on what the next steps were. The only thing that I knew is that I wanted to build a successful and profitable company...

I decided to look online to figure out what I needed to know. I looked on YouTube, Facebook, and Other Online Platforms - but the information that I found there was not at all helpful in actually growing my company.

I decided to put my head down and just "figure it out" on my own.

Fast forward a few years and I had built my power washing company to a point where it was profitable, growing, and I only work in the business part-time. It was at that point that I realized that most of the information that we get is not helpful in generating consistent leads, making more money, and ultimately growing your company. Whether it is your uncle Larry or some rando on the internet, the majority of people are flat out broke...

Whether you are just starting, or trying to get to the next level - You Are In The Right Place!!

Here's The Deal... This is not a "get rich quick scheme" nor is this Membership magic.

If running a business was easy, everyone would do it. You must be willing to put in the effort and work necessary to achieve the success you desire.

If you are willing to put in the effort, this Membership is designed to SHORTCUT your path to consistent lead generation, growth, certainty and success in your company.

As a member of our Power Washing Pro Community, you will learn how to dominate the competition in your market through next-level lead generation and marketing strategies, tactics, and tips. You will get a deep dive on all aspects of running a business. Everything from generating a lead all the way to what you do after you have cleaned for a customer. You will learn about hiring, building a team, systemizing your company and sooo much more!

Some of the immediate benefits our Members in our community receive are:

-Marketing Mastery

-Consistent Lead Generation

-Clear Path To Success

-More Profits

-More Time Doing WHAT You Want With WHO You Want

-More Confidence And Less Stress

and a lot more...

Imagine waking up tomorrow, with a flood of new leads that came in after hours and more leads flowing in as the day starts. You grab your coffee and drive into the office to see that that your team is not only handling these leads, but also taking care of your customers better than you used to. Your rockstar team of technicians are leaving to complete all of the jobs for the day, and your only goal is to strategize on how to further grow the company...

While this may sound like a fairy tale to you, I want you to know that it is completely possible to get to your version of this. As someone that has been in your shoes previously, I still remember how lonely, stressful, scared, and lost it felt in the early years of my power washing company. My Team and I's ONLY Goal is to help you get your company to what ever your "success" looks like.

Here's Exactly What You Can Expect When You Become A Member Today

-New Trainings Dropped Every Other Week (Teaching Behind the Scenes Strategies and Tactics for Scaling Your Company)

-Weekly Member Only Calls that are Designed to Help Answer Your Biggest Questions and Keep You Accountable to Your Specific Goals

-Actionable Things to for Your Company That You Can Implement For Immediate Results

-Additional Resources For You To Take And Use In Your Company (Software, PDFs, Scripts, Systems, Templates, and More...)

-Opening of Your Mind to What is Actually Possible With Your Power Washing Company

-The Unlocking of More Profits for Your Company and Ultimately More Money in Your Pocket

Your Power Washing Business Can Improve Instantaneously And Grow With Implementation Of The Contents & Resources Within The Membership

Do Any Of The Following Sound Like You?

  • You Struggle to Get a Consistent Flow of Leads Into Your Power Washing Company

  • You Feel Stuck Because You Don't Know How to Grow Your Company

  • You're Wondering What to do Next

  • You're Not Sure if You Made The Right Choice

  • You Thought Growing Your Company Would be Easier

  • You Were Told That All You Needed to be Successful Was a Great Equipment Setup

  • You Want to Achieve Time Freedom so That You Can Take Control of Your Life

  • You Want to Setup Your Family For Financial Freedom And Leave a Legacy

  • You Know That Your Competition May be Further Ahead of You And You Want to Surpass Them

  • You Know There's More To Life Than Working a 9-5 or Just Having a Side Hustle

If So, The Power Washing Pros Membership Is Your Next Step For Growing and Scaling Your Power Washing Company!!

Here's What To Do Next

The Cost Of This Exclusive Membership is as Little as $49/mo!

At Least For Now...

This Community Is Game Changing For The Pressure Washing Business Owners That Are Ready To ACTUALLY Scale Their Company.

We Had Two Choices:

1) We Giveaway All of This Awesome Content For Cheap and Let Everyone and Their Brother Who "Power Washes" into the Membership.


2) Up The Price Just a Bit To Ensure That Only The People SERIOUS About Growing Their Power Washing Company With a POSITIVE Attitude Join The Exclusive Community and So That We Can Provide Owners That Are Serious About Growth Everything We Can to Ensure You Achieve The Success You DESIRE!

If You Are Serious About Taking Your Power Washing Company To The Next Level, You Will get Immediate Access To Not Only The New Trainings, But You Get Access To All Of The Past Trainings and Resources!

You May Be Thinking...

Can't I Just Learn All Of This Myself?

Sure! You Could Spend Years, Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars, And A Bunch Of Energy To "Figure It Out"...

But Here's The Thing, The Most Scarce Resource That We Have Is Our Time. Truthfully We Don't Know How Much Of It We Are Given.

One Regret That I Have Is Not Getting Access To More Information Quicker When I Was Started My Company. It Would Have Saved Me So Much Time, Money, Headache, And Heartache Had I Learned From Someone Who Had Already Been There.

As I Fellow Washer, I Can Honestly Say That I Wish I Would Have Been Given An Opportunity As Amazing As This. I Would Be Lightyears Ahead!

What If I Just Hire An Agency To Grow My Company?

Absolutely! You Can Find An Agency And Give Them Your Credit Card So That They Can Charge You $2,000+/mo...

While You Wait To Get Leads Or Results You Can Listen To Them Tell You "Just Wait 3 More Months To Let The Campaign Season"... Lol

Here's the deal, while there are some good marketing agencies out there, most learn for a week on YouTube and then go out and charge people an absurd amount to provide zero value (Sometimes we see this in our industry too haha...)

I tried multiple marketing agencies when I was starting my company because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. I wasted a whole lot of money and didn't get the results that were promised.

$97mo Seems Expensive...

**WARNING - Trigger Alert

Truthfully, If $97/mo is "a lot" it means that you aren't making enough money. If that's the case, this membership is exactly what you need to not only increase your businesses revenue, but also the money that goes into your pocket - a.k.a. profit.

Our average ticket in our first year was $350 it is now hovering around $800. Let's play conservatively though. If all this does is get you one extra client per month - is it worth it? That would be $4,200 - $12,000 depending on your average ticket. I would say that's worth it...

If all it does is give you a clear path on the next steps, would it be worth it? I would say so.

Point being, there is a ton of value packed into this membership and even just a few small things that you get can completely turn your business around!

Here's Exactly What Our Members Have

Access To Exclusive Trainings

Covering Things Like:

-Ways To Generate More Leads

-How To Grow Your Company

-How To Run FB Ads

-What Is Marketing

-How To Put More Money in Your Pocket

And So Much More!!

New Trainings Dropped Every 14 Days and You Get Access To All Of The Past Trainings!


Live Calls That. Give You Access To Other Members To Answer Your Questions And Help You Grow Your Company!


Member Only Live Calls

So That:

-Your Biggest Current Issues Can Be Worked Through

-Your Burning Questions Can Be Answered

-You Can Have Access To Kaden And All Of His Knowledge Around Growing a Power Washing Business

And More!!!

Member Only Live Calls

So That:

-Your Biggest Current Issues Can Be Worked Through

-Your Burning Questions Can Be Answered

-You Can Have Access To Kaden And All Of His Knowledge Around Growing a Power Washing Business

And More!!!

Live Calls That. Give You Access To Other Members To Answer Your Questions And Help You Grow Your Company!


Access Into a Community Of Like Minded Pros

Importance Of a Tribe:

-Networking With Others In Our Industry

-Ability To Bounce Ideas Off Each Other

-Accountability and Encouragement From Other Power Washers With Similar Goals!

Having 24/7 Access To a Community Is a Vital Component In Getting The Info, Support, and Accountability You Need!


When You Sign Up Today, You Also Get...

FREE: Access To CleanQ CRM Software

Sales & Marketing CRM:

-Customer Relationship Management

-All Leads Come Into One Place

-Automations To Generate, Nurture, and Close More Leads

-Reputation Management

-Social Post Planner


-Website and Funnel Builder


This is a Game Changing Software That Ultimately Helps You Grow Your Power Washing Company and You Get It For FREE!


Resources Designed For You To Take Make a Few Tweaks And Instantly Implement Into Your Company!


FREE: Access To Extra Resources For YOU

Resources Like:

-Inbound Script

-Outbound Scripts

-Content Calendar

-Financial/Budget Template

-Ad Templates


FREE: Access To Extra Resources For YOU

Resources Like:

-Inbound Script

-Outbound Scripts

-Content Calendar

-Financial/Budget Template


Resources Designed For You To Take Make a Few Tweaks And Instantly Implement Into Your Company!



-Access To Exclusive Content and Trainings

-Member Only Live Calls

-Members Only Community


-CleanQ Access

-Additional Templates, Resources, Files, and PDFs











The 10X Value Power Washing Pros Guarantee

If you try, put your best foot forward, utilize the community, resources, software, and the trainings - we will work with you personally one of one until you get 10X the value!

Some Things For You To Consider...

Are The Odds Stacked in Your Favor? Absolutely NOT... Most Businesses Fail - Wait Are YOU Doing To Avoid Being a Statistic?

Can Just A Bit Of The Correct Information Get You Ahead? ABSOLUTELY

Is Your Current Marketing Strategy Magnetically Attracting Customers To You? Only You Can Answer That...

Could Your Power Washing Company Improve? ALWAYS!

The Only Question That Matters... What Are YOU Going To Do To Make Sure That You Build a Company That is Profitable, Squashes The Competition, and Gives You The Freedom You've Always Wanted?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do The Trainings Cover?

The trainings cover everything from marketing and lead generation to sales to how to implement systems into your business. It is a conglomeration of all things that you need to effectively get more leads, close them, fulfill, and ultimately scale your company! Plus there are new trainings dropped every 2 weeks!

How Do I Get Access To All Of The Trainings, Resources, Software, Etc.?

You will get instant access to the membership area upon signing up!

How Does The Community/Networking Component Work?

After signing up you will get access to the weekly calls, the platform we use for connecting everyone, and to all of the members within! You can reach out, network, bounce ideas off, get advice, and ensure you are on the right path as soon as you become a member! **NOTE: We do not allow any negativity... If a member decides to be negative and not helpful, they are removed and refunded immediately!

Can I Get One-On-One Help/Mentoring?

While we don't offer "coaching" or anything one-on-one, you can reach out to anyone within the community directly (Including Kaden at this time)!

How Often Is New Information Provided?

New trainings are dropped every 14 days! You also get access to all past trainings!

What Are The Resources That I Get With The Membership?

A ton of resources and we are creating more and more! Some of the resources included are things like a budget tracking tool, inbound phone script, door-to-door script, estimate template, content calendar, 12 months of done for you emails to keep your past clients engaged, SOPs, Ad templates, and more!

Who Is This Membership Designed For?

This membership is designed for business owners in the exterior cleaning industry (Power/Soft washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, etc.). It is for those power washing business owners that need a more consistent flow of leads, close more jobs, and ultimately scale their company!

What Is The Cost Of The Membership?

We offer 3 different pricing options! A monthly membership, a yearly membership, and a lifetime membership! (Signing up for the yearly or lifetime plan will get you the FREE BONUSES!) By clicking any of the buttons on this page, it will take you to the different packages and pricing!

Can I Cancel at Anytime?

Yes, you can cancel at anytime. There are no long-term contracts, and you can cancel through our platform. Please note that access to all resources, software, and learning materials will be revoked if you cancel.

Is There a Way To Get a Discount?

Yep! You can get a discount of 75% OFF by signing up for the yearly membership!

I Am Busy, Is There A Way To Access The Content "On The Go"?

Absolutely! Our members get access to our app! It works for iOS and Android! Once you sign up, you can add the app to your mobile device and learn while in the field or on the go!

There Are Two Types of People In This World...

Action Takers & Observers

What separates people who always seem to win from those who always seem stuck? It's simple: Taking Action.

Think about this: some people are like race car drivers. They're always ready to push the pedal to the metal and zoom towards their dreams. They see a problem and think, "Hey, this is a chance to learn something new and become even better!" Even when things get hard, they keep trying. They know that mistakes are not roadblocks, but stepping stones that help them get better and closer to their goals.

But then, there are people who are more like cars stuck in mud. They want to move but are too scared. They might be scared of making mistakes, or scared of what others will think of them. They spend a lot of time thinking and worrying, but not enough time doing. Because they're not moving, they stay stuck in the same spot.

The important thing to remember is that what separates these two types of people isn't how smart or talented they are. It's all about whether they're willing to take action. Life is like a big adventure, and every choice we make is a step on that adventure. The people who keep moving, keep trying, are the ones who reach their dreams. Those who let fear stop them, stay stuck. So remember, you could only be one action away from unlocking the business of your dreams.

So The Question Is - Which one are you?

Who Is Kaden?

Kaden is a serial entrepreneur. He started his entrepreneurial career at the age of 12! Once he graduated high school he knew that he wanted to start a legit business. He came across the exterior cleaning industry and within a few weeks he had some basic equipment and was going door to door selling! Fast forward to today, and his first exterior cleaning company is running profitably while he works in the business part-time and is now focused on purchasing other companies. He is on a mission to help other power washing business owners experience the benefits of running a successful power washing company!